The BetterBuilt V700 Series Decontamination Chamber provides an airtight location designed to accept vapor or gaseous agents for the decontamination of various laboratory equipment, materials, and instruments at ambient temperatures. Both single and double door pass-through units are available and can be floor or pit mounted.
V700 Series Decontamination Chamber

Key Features
- VHP or CD – Decontamination chambers are fabricated with key features required specifically for either Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide or Chlorine Dioxide systems.
- Safety Features – Pneumatic exhaust damper with special bubble gasket, along with doors equipped with inflatable gaskets, provide a positive sealed chamber. Dual latch pneumatic locks prevent doors from being opened during a cycle. Interior and exterior mounted Emergency stop buttons. Visual alerts of various alarm conditions are displayed on the touchscreen if equipped.
- Ease of Use – Standard push-button controls with PLC microprocessor technology provide communication with the VHP or CD generation unit. Double door pass-through decontamination chambers are provided with a secondary control panel mounted on the clean side. All parts and components are non-proprietary and available from local suppliers or the factory.
- Options – Numerous control options such as Ethernet connectivity and 5″ or 8″ color touchscreen controls are available. Custom chamber sizes can be fabricated to suit site conditions.