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Home//Decontamination & Sterilization
Dry Heat Sterilizers Vs Steam Sterilizers There is no room for shortcuts or compromises in the sterilization of laboratory equipment. Stakeholders and decision-makers have several options for sterilization methods for labs. As a company dedicated to ensuring the purity and reliability of laboratory equipment through sterilization, BetterBuilt is committed… Read More
Benefits of Dry Heat Sterilization in Laboratories Life sciences and healthcare labs have several options for sterilizing equipment. One of the most common is dry heat sterilization. Dry heat sterilization uses a high-temperature cleaning process to eradicate all forms of microbial life on laboratory instruments and materials. Dry heat… Read More
Sterilization is extremely important in life science laboratories. It’s key to preventing the spread of bacteria, diseases, fungi, and viruses. Dry heat sterilization was one of the first methods of sterilization and is still considered a popular form of sterilization. But what is dry heat sterilization, and why should you… Read More
When it comes to labs, contamination is a constant threat. Even the slightest breach in lab safety protocols can result in compromised sample integrity, inaccurate results, compliance breaches, and potentially dangerous situations. This is especially true in life science labs. When working with animals and biological samples, lab contamination prevention procedures are… Read More
Decontamination and sterilization are essential for life science lab equipment. Germs, bacteria, and diseases can quickly spread if the tools used in the lab are not properly cleaned. Failure to properly clean equipment can also lead to cross-contamination with research materials, which could interfere with results. For this reason,… Read More